This day is finally here!! We are headed to the US Consulate General for our final swearing in ceremony. We had been told that it was a 40 minute bus ride, a simple ceremony, and then another 40 minute bus ride back to the hotel - which doesn't sound all that exciting. So at one point we offered to the grandparents the option not to go along with us if they needed the time to shop/pack etc. Looking back, we are so happy they came with us! It was as we were told, a 40 minute bus ride there and back with a simple ceremony, but that ceremony was filled with so many emotions! It was the pinnacle of or journey! It was the moment that we raised our right hands and swore before the acting US Ambassador and the Office of the United States Consulate General to love our daughter, provide a loving and nurturing family and as well as the physical and emotional support she needs and deserves. (Unfortunately there were no cameras allowed, so we don't have any photo documentation of this beautiful moment, but it will forever be etched in our minds and hearts!) There were 33 families at this ceremony and we all stood together and repeated the oath that the Acting US Ambassador (until Obama appoints a new one) recited to us. It made me proud to watch as Zachary stood by my side and raised his right hand and took the oath with us as a family!! (Later Mom told me that on the bus ride to the ceremony Zachary said to her "Nana, I just love her so much!") There wasn't a dry eye in the place! It was like a commencement ceremony in the sense that we've finally completed all the steps and we're moving on to the next chapter in our life as a FAMILY OF FOUR!!

Sign at the bottom of the escalator - my stomach had butterflies reading this!
This was the last photo I was able to sneak in before they confiscated my camera.
On the way back down the escalators after the ceremony. Zachary is giving the peace sign but here in China they call it the "happiness sign" - quite appropriate!!!
Our family after the ceremony - with the the official Hague Adoption Certificate!!!
On the bus ride back after the ceremony. To exhausted even to snack!!! :)
After we got back we went with Bob, Cindy and Molly to grab some take out from Lucy's so we could eat quick and hit a few shops before we had to head back to the hotel and pack!
Wow! Caitlin is finally starting to like her bath - even if it was in the sink!! Until now, it was a challenge to bathe her and not have her slip out of your hands as she fought it!!
A final good night hug between brother and sister! So sweet!
We're heading HOME tomorrow!! Mr. Zhou has requested a 4:30 am wake up call for everyone - luggage must be in the halls by 5:00 am (for the bell boys to pick up) and the bus is leaving at 6:00 am!! That ought to be a fun morning!
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